March 2020 new release book!

The March 2020 new release book is out and can be downloaded here. Ship date is February 25th. Street date is March 13th.

Below is the list of the new releases! Make sure to get your orders in right away. Let us know if you have any questions!

Artisan Era AE031-1 LP ARONIOUS Perspicacity 123184003114
Artisan Era AE031-2 CD ARONIOUS Perspicacity 123184003121
Artisan Era AE032-1 LP SUTRAH Aletheia 123184003213
Artisan Era AE032-2 CD SUTRAH Aletheia 123184003220
Artisan Era AE033-1 LP SUTRAH Dunes 123184003312
Artisan Era AE033-2 CD SUTRAH Dunes 123184003329
Divebomb DIVE197-2 CD BENEATH THE SURFACE Race The Night (Deluxe Edition) 711576019722
Divebomb DIVE198-2 CD FORTÉ Stranger Than Fiction 711576019821
Sounds Rad RAD009-1 LP MR. T EXPERIENCE MTX Forever: A History of the Concept of the Mr. T Experience 615435640853
Sounds Rad RAD009-2 CD MR. T EXPERIENCE MTX Forever: A History of the Concept of the Mr. T Experience 615435640860