Looking for distribution from ILD?
Independent Label Distribution is a dynamic, fast-growing distributor of the best of punk, hardcore, thrash, metal, garage, alternative, and more. If you feel your label would be a good match for ILD and would like to be considered for exclusive distribution, please submit the form below. We will try to get back to you as soon as possible, but kindly allow three weeks for a response. Be aware that by entering into a deal for exclusive distribution, your label will no longer be able to trade or sell directly to stores or other distributors (although you will still be allowed to keep your mail order, as long as your priority is retail sales). We also insist on your label’s digital distribution in as much as you have those rights. ILD does not deal in self-released artists or label one-offs.
Please fill in all fields. Enter “N/A” if not applicable. Incomplete applications will be discarded.