Six Weeks Records

Athena Kautsch and Jeff Robinson started Six Weeks in 1992 after a six-week tour of the states by their bands, Capitalist Casualties and The Dread. Inspired by the dedication of individuals met on this tour, they returned home to write a tour zine entitled Six Weeks, full of interviews with bands met along the way and recounts of the adventure of being a punk band on the road.

With good results, a second issue was released, with more interviews and recounts of following tours done by both bands. This second issue also came with a 90-minute compilation tape. Athena had always put out The Dread’s records on her own and with her experience they funded the first release on Six Weeks Records in 1993, the Capitalist Casualties/The Dread split EP.

The label was formed with the intention of releasing records by unknown and unappreciated punk bands worldwide, by releasing and distributing international hardcore/punk and grind, and becoming one of the few US labels to release bands from Japan, Europe and South America at the time (as well as their friends’ bands back home).

To this day, Six Weeks is still dedicated to the ideals of hardcore/punk in all of its many genres and varieties, still diligently distributes international punk records at shows and through mail-order, and still continues to release the best non-commercial hardcore/punk/grind from around the globe and has also taken over publication of Short, Fast & Loud fanzine, a magazine dedicated to exposing the most extreme noise the underground music scene has to offer.